Colorful Crunchy Apple Salad



Prep Time

10 minutes

Cook Time

20 minutes


Salad Ingredients:
1 Starr Ranch Growers apple thinly sliced
1 medium fennel bulb diced
6-8 radishes
½ cucumber
¼ cup diced onion
1 head lettuce
½ cup fresh dill
Shaved parmesan
Honey Dijon Vinaigrette:
1/2 cup olive oil
Juice from half lemon
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  1. Shred head of lettuce into a large bowl
  2. Thinly slice Starr Ranch Growers apples, radishes and cucumber
  3. Dice fennel and onion
  4. Add all diced and sliced produce to the bowl of lettuce
  5. Meanwhile, add dressing ingredients into a small bowl and whisk well
  6. Pour over bowl, garnish with fresh dill and shaved parmesan. Enjoy!