- Shred head of lettuce into a large bowl
- Thinly slice Starr Ranch Growers apples, radishes and cucumber
- Dice fennel and onion
- Add all diced and sliced produce to the bowl of lettuce
- Meanwhile, add dressing ingredients into a small bowl and whisk well
- Pour over bowl, garnish with fresh dill and shaved parmesan. Enjoy!
Colorful Crunchy Apple Salad

Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Salad Ingredients:
1 Starr Ranch Growers apple thinly sliced
1 medium fennel bulb diced
6-8 radishes
½ cucumber
¼ cup diced onion
1 head lettuce
½ cup fresh dill
Shaved parmesan
Honey Dijon Vinaigrette:
1/2 cup olive oil
Juice from half lemon
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar