Cherry Peach Spiked Iced Tea


4 Glasses

Prep Time

10 minutes

Cook Time

10 minutes


2 Large Lipton Iced Tea Bags
1 Yellow Peach
1 Cup Starr Ranch Growers Cherries
2 Tbsp Honey
1 oz. Vodka or Bourbon (per individual glass)
Garnish with fresh mint, cherries and peaches
  1. Seep 2 large Lipton Iced Tea Bags in 2 cups water and set aside in pitcher once cooled.
  2. Add 1 chopped yellow peach, 1 cup Starr Ranch Growers cherries, 2 tbsp honey and 1 cup water to your high-powered  blender, and blend until very liquified and smooth. Strain cherry peach mixture into pitcher. Add ice and stir.
  3. Pour over glasses and add 1 oz. of liquor of choice – vodka and bourbon both work well.
  4. Garnish with fresh mint, additional pieces of peaches and cherries – enjoy!