It’s our final week of our Back to School Sweepstakes and we are so excited about this week’s school subject because honestly – it’s the most fun! (At least, we think the kiddos will agree).
Who says the school or work week should be all work and no play? Now more than ever for those of us cooped up working inside, teaching or parenting – there’s a need to pause, take a moment and get some fresh air, exercise and movement.

This week we’ve partnered up with our friends at Camelbak to bring the classroom outside this fall semester, while keeping wellness, hydration and healthy snacking in mind. Rather than setting up a homework station in the house, why not bring it to your local park, playground or even backyard? If it’s a pretty day and the sun is shining, we recommend bringing the books or tablet to your green belt to switch up the scenery, and for every 30 minutes of learning is 15 minutes of play time – whether that’s kicking around the soccer ball, playing catch, or swinging on the play set.

Maintaining a healthy work-school-parent life balance is a tricky one these days and we can sympathize with all parents, teachers and kids. One thing we know for sure is prioritizing ourselves, our health and keeping things ‘light’ and fun is so important during these times of change and uncertainty. Not only will it feel so good for our mental, physical and emotional self – but it will bring back a sense of normalcy to new routines in the household! PLUS – this can incentivize the kids to focus on their learning if they know some fun is just around the corner too!
Our favorite go-to snacks for outside learning?
- Nothing beats fresh, healthy fruit like our sweet Starr Ranch Growers Honeycrisp apples. Bring ‘em sliced, paired with PB or whole in your lunch box!
- Summer means the sun is likely shining and it is hot! Lightweight, durable, spill-proof and leak-proof – we love the Camelbak Eddy Kids Bottle and know our fellow parents will second this. Hydration is key to keep the kids fueled up for the classroom or their extra-curricular activities and sports, and what’s better than a BPA, BPS and BPF free bottle that won’t spill?! Not to mention – they’re adorable and come in so many different colors and styles.
- Grab your greens! We love the idea of having produce on hand. Odds are, if it’s there and available, the kiddos will try it – and who knows – maybe even love it!
- For ease and convenience of packing – opt for a small storage bin or basket around the house that you can easily fill up with some goodies for an afternoon at the park.
- Get creative with your outdoor activities! Depending on the age of your littles, bring a board game, toys, soccer balls and sports equipment so you can make use of the outdoors and switch off between learning sessions.

There you have it! Round up the little troops and head outside to switch up the school week. Whether it’s taking a few hours to get outside to teach or interact with the kids, or just an intimate soccer practice at the end of the day – here’s our reminder to try to make the most of these moments and prioritize health, activity and overall wellness. Head on over to our Instagram @starr_ranch_growers to enter to win your very own set of Camelbak Kids Eddy Waterbottles for your next outdoor outing, as well as a Kids Amazon Kindle Fire to make learning that much more fun this semester.
Good luck!