Beat the Heat with Cherry Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches

Jul 27, 2020

It’s the final week of July, which means our Washington cherry season is coming to an end soon. Though the season may have started with some unpredictable weather patterns, we are overjoyed to have had another successful cherry season and we already can’t wait for next year!

To wrap up all the fun, we had to end our Chilled & Cherry Sweepstakes with a tried-and-true, forever-favorite combo: ice cream sandwiches! Because who doesn’t like ice cream AND cookies combined? We’ll wait… 😉

What I love most about this recipe is that it totally surprised me! I had this idea in mind to create Cherry Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches, but was nervous I was getting myself in way over my head! Truthfully, you just follow the same recipe for our No Churn Cherry Choco Ice Cream and then add in the addition of these scrumptious chocolate cookies, add a scoop to each cookie and voila – you have yourself ice cream sandwiches!

Not even just that, I was surprised at how clean they were to assemble, and how well they stayed put while I transferred them to my brother’s backyard birthday party 20 minutes down the road. Our family raved about them (and always bug me to ‘bring over the cherry ice cream’ now at every gathering we have!) They know and love this ice cream recipe, and all its summer-wonder. The cookies are just the cherry on top – no pun intended! I love using the Trader Joe’s unsweetened cocoa powder, and find myself using this as a staple in so many baking recipes.

With the Washington cherry season coming to an end, now is the time to get your hands on fresh cherries, to try out these recipes out and snack fresh on this sweet summertime fruit before the wait for next year’s season begins!

What’s been your favorite Chilled & Cherry recipe we’ve shared? Our FINAL giveaway closes this Friday at 12PM PST – to enter to win, head over to our Instagram post @starr_ranch_growers. Goodluck, and let us know if you try this recipe at home!

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